Yesterday I had the privilege of photographing Ellis’s bar mitzvah at Temple Sinai in Squirrel Hill. What an absolutely perfect sunny summer day! It was joyous to be outside enjoying the sunshine, without intense heat. Ellis and his family were all smiles. If...
I was so thrilled to be back at Rodef Shalom for Anna’s bat mitzvah this past weekend. What a gorgeous day for this momentous occasion! If you’ve ever driven down Fifth Avenue in Oakland, you’ve probably noticed Rodef Shalom. It’s the one with...
Mazel tov to twins Bert and Harrison, who together celebrated their b’nai mitzvah on Saturday. The day’s events took place at the exquisite Rodef Shalom in Oakland. I’d driven past many times and knew it was gorgeous on the outside, and was delighted...
When Joanne, Jake’s mom, contacted me last winter about photography for Jake’s bar mitzvah, I was honest. Not only had I never photographed a bar mitzvah, I’d never been to one at all. I love to try something new and different, and so I was excited...